Εκδότης: POLITY Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 3482-0323
Paul Feyerabend is one of the greatest philosophers of science of the 20th century and his book Against Method is an international bestseller. In this new book he masterfully weaves together the main elements of his mature philosophy into a gripping tale: the story of the rise of rationalism in Ancient Greece that eventually led to the entrenchment of a mythical 'scientific worldview'. In this wide-ranging and accessible book Feyerabend challenges some modern myths about science, including the myth that 'science is successful'. He argues t... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
Εκδότης: POLITY Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 3482-0021
The production of human waste -- or more precisely, wasted lives, the superfluous populations of migrants, refugees and other outcasts -- is an inevitable outcome of modernization. It is an unavoidable side-effect of economic progress and the quest for order which is characteristic of modernity. As long as large parts of the world remained wholly or partly unaffected by modernization, they were treated by modernizing societies as lands that were able to absorb the excess of population in the `developed countries'. Global solutions were sou... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
Εκδότης: POLITY Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 3482-0450
Now available in English for the first time, Dictatorship is Carl Schmitt's most scholarly book and arguably a paradigm for his entire work. Written shortly after the Russian Revolution and the First World War, Schmitt analyses the problem of the state of emergency and the power of the Reichsprasident in declaring it. Dictatorship, Schmitt argues, is a necessary legal institution in constitutional law and has been wrongly portrayed as just the arbitrary rule of a so-called dictator. Dictatorship is an essential book for understanding the... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
Εκδότης: POLITY Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 3482-0187
-... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
(P/B) Resonance
A Sociology of Our Relationship to the World
Εκδότης: POLITY Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 3482-0607
The pace of modern life is undoubtedly speeding up, yet this acceleration does not seem to have made us any happier or more content. If acceleration is the problem, then the solution, argues Hartmut Rosa in this major new work, lies in "resonance." The quality of a human life cannot be measured simply in terms of resources, options, and moments of happiness; instead, we must consider our relationship to, or resonance with, the world. Applying his theory of resonance to many domains of human activity, Rosa describes the full spectrum of way... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
(P/B) The Comfort of Things
Εκδότης: POLITY Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 3482-0293
The diversity of contemporary London is extraordinary, and begs to be better understood. Never before have so many people from such diverse backgrounds been free to mix and not to mix in close proximity to each other. But increasingly people's lives take place behind the closed doors of private houses. How can we gain an insight into what those lives are like today? Not television characters, not celebrities, but real people. How could one ever come to know perfect strangers? Danny Miller attempts to achieve this goal in this brilliant exp... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
Εκδότης: POLITY Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 3482-0494
The Posthuman offers both an introduction and major contribution to contemporary debates on the posthuman. Digital 'second life', genetically modified food, advanced prosthetics, robotics and reproductive technologies are familiar facets of our globally linked and technologically mediated societies. This has blurred the traditional distinction between the human and its others, exposing the non-naturalistic structure of the human. The Posthuman starts by exploring the extent to which a post-humanist move displaces the traditional humanistic... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
Εκδότης: POLITY Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 3482-0446
Dispossession describes the condition of those who have lost land, citizenship, property, and a broader belonging to the world. This thought-provoking book seeks to elaborate our understanding of dispossession outside of the conventional logic of possession, a hallmark of capitalism, liberalism, and humanism. Can dispossession simultaneously characterize political responses and opposition to the disenfranchisement associated with unjust dispossession of land, economic and political power, and basic conditions for living? In the context of ... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
Εκδότης: POLITY Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 3482-0614
Εκδότης: POLITY Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 3482-0592
The days of the Other are over in this age of excessive communication, information and consumption. What used to be the Other, be it as friend, as Eros or as hell, is now indistinguishable from the self in our narcissistic desire to assimilate everything and everyone until there are no boundaries left. The result is a 'terror of the Same', lives in which we no longer pursue knowledge, insight and experience but are instead reduced to the echo chambers and illusory encounters offered by social media. In extreme cases, this feeling of disori... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
Εκδότης: POLITY Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 3482-0586
In a context marked by the virulent return of patriarchal and white supremacist attitudes, a new generation of activists, from the Xenofeminists to Pussy Riot, are continuing the struggle, fighting alongside star feminists like Emma Watson and Scarlett Johansson: these are very feminist times. But how do these and other struggles relate to our contemporary posthuman condition? In this important new book, Rosi Braidotti examines the implications of the posthuman turn for feminist theory and practice. She defines the posthuman turn as a conv... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
Εκδότης: POLITY Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 3482-0587
When I decided to explore the question of Witz, or wit, with you this year, I undertook a small enquiry. It will come as no surprise at all that I began by questioning a poet. This is a poet who introduces the dimension of an especially playful wit that runs through his work, as much in his prose as in more poetic forms, and which he brings into play even when he happens to be talking about mathematics, for he is also a mathematician. I am referring to Raymond Queneau. While we were exchanging our first remarks on the matter he told me a j... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
(H/b) Planet Aqua
Rethinking our Home in the Universe
Εκδότης: POLITY Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 3482-0612
What would happen if we were to awaken one day and suddenly realize that the world we live in appeared eerily alien, as if we’d been teleported to some other distant world? That frightening prospect is now. Our planetary hydrosphere, which animates all of life on Earth, is rebelling in the wake of a global warming climate, spurring biblical spring floods, devastating summer droughts, heatwaves, and wildfires and powerful autumn hurricanes and typhoons, wreaking havoc on ecosystems and society. For too long we have misjudged the very nature... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
(P/B) The Ontology of the Accident
An Essay on Destructive Plasticity
Εκδότης: POLITY Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 3482-0613
In the usual order of things, lives run their course and eventually one becomes who one is. Bodily and psychic transformations do nothing but reinforce the permanence of identity. But as a result of serious trauma, or sometimes for no reason at all, a subject's history splits and a new, unprecedented persona comes to live with the former person - an unrecognizable persona whose present comes from no past and whose future harbors nothing to come; an existential improvisation, a form born of the accident and by accident. Out of a deep cut op... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
Εκδότης: POLITY Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 3482-0371
In this new book, Bauman examines how we have moved away from a 'heavy' and 'solid', hardware-focused modernity to a 'light' and 'liquid', software-based modernity. This passage, he argues, has brought profound change to all aspects of the human condition. The new remoteness and un-reachability of global systemic structure coupled with the unstructured and under-defined, fluid state of the immediate setting of life-politics and human togetherness, call for the rethinking of the concepts and cognitive frames used to narrate human individual... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
Εκδότης: POLITY Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 3482-0547
The question of what defines the human, and of what is human about the humanities, have been shaken up by the radical critiques of humanism and the displacement of anthropomorphism that have gained currency in recent years, propelled in part by rapid advances in our knowledge of living systems and of their genetic and algorithmic codes coupled with the global expansion of a knowledge-intensive capitalism. In Posthuman Knowledge, Rosi Braidotti takes a closer look at the impact of these developments on three major areas: the constitution of... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
(P/B) The crisis of narration
Εκδότης: POLITY Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 3482-0610
Narratives produce the ties that bind us. They create community, eliminate contingency and anchor us in being. And yet in our contemporary information society, where everything has become arbitrary and random, storytelling becomes storyselling and narratives lose their binding force. Whereas narratives create community, storytelling brings forth only a fleeting community the community of consumers. No amount of storytelling could recreate the fire around which humans gather to tell each other stories. That fire has long since burnt out. ... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
(P/B) On Voluntary Servitude : False Consciousness and The Theory of Ideology
Εκδότης: POLITY Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 3482-0606
This book addresses a central theme in social and political theory: what is the motivation behind the theory of ideology, and can such a theory be defended? (From the publisher)... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
(P/B) Art and Objects
Εκδότης: POLITY Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 3482-0611
In this book, the founder of object-oriented ontology develops his view that aesthetics is the central discipline of philosophy. Whereas science must attempt to grasp an object in terms of its observable qualities, philosophy and art cannot proceed in this way because they don't have direct access to their objects. Hence philosophy shares the same fate as art in being compelled to communicate indirectly, allusively, or elliptically, rather than in the clear propositional terms that are often taken - wrongly - to be the sole stuff of genuin... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
Εκδότης: POLITY Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 3482-0588
What does Lacan show us? He shows us that desire is not a biological function; that it is not correlated with a natural object; and that its object is fantasized. Because of this, desire is extravagant. It cannot be grasped by those who might try to master it. It plays tricks on them. Yet if it is not recognized, it produces symptoms. In psychoanalysis, the goal is to interpret-that is, to read-the message regarding desire that is harbored within the symptom. Although desire upsets us, it also inspires us to invent artifices that can serve... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
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