Εκδότης: VINTAGE Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 0626-0043
Coleman Silk has a secret. But it's not the secret of his affair, at seventy-one, with a woman half his age. And it's not the secret of his alleged racism, which provoked the college witchhunt that cost him his job. Coleman's secret is deeper, and lies at the very core of who he is, and he has kept it hidden from everyone for fifty years. Set in 1998, with the backdrop of the impeachment of a president, The Human Stain shows us an America where conflicting moralities and ideological divisions result in public denunciations and houndings, a... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
Εκδότης: VINTAGE Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 0626-1103
A fiction-within-a-fiction, My Life as a Man centres on the fraught marriage of Peter, a gifted young writer and Maureen Tarnopol, the woman who wants to be his muse but who instead becomes his nemesis. Their union is based on fraud and powered by moral blackmail. And yet, the the couple's relationship is so perversely durable that, long after Maureen's death, Peter is still trying - and failing - to write his way free of it. Out of desperate inventions and scorching truths, acts of weakness and shocking cruelty, Philip Roth creates a fier... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
Εκδότης: VINTAGE Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 0626-0040
At forty, the writer Nathan Zuckerman comes down with a mysterious affliction - pure pain, beginning in his neck and shoulders, invading his torso, and taking possession of his spirit. Zuckerman, whose work was his life, is unable to write a line. Now his work is trekking from one doctor to another, but none can find a cause for the pain and nobody can assuage it. Zuckerman himself wonders if the pain can have been caused by his own books. And while he is wondering, his dependence on painkillers extends to an addiction to vodka and marijua... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
Εκδότης: VINTAGE Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 0626-1102
Philip Roth's writing career spans a remarkable five decades, a period that has seen him rise to become one of the greatest chroniclers of post-war American life. Collected here are some of the finest interviews, essays and articles discussing his own fiction and the range of controversies that it sparked, including his long interview with the Paris Review. Here too are Roth's writings on American fiction, Milan Kundera, baseball, and his deep admiration for Franz Kafka. Coursing through each of these pieces is the Sheer Playfulness and De... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
Εκδότης: VINTAGE Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 0626-0372
Gill Gamesh, the only pitcher who ever literally tried to kill the umpire. The ex-con first baseman, John Baal, 'The Babe Ruth of the Big House,' who never hit a home run sober. If you've never heard of them - or of the Ruppert Mundys, the only homeless big-league ball team in American history - it's because of the Communist plot, and the capitalist scandal, that expunged the entire Patriot League from baseball memory. In this ribald, richly imagined, and wickedly satiric novel, Philip Roth turns baseball's status as national pastime and m... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
Εκδότης: VINTAGE Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 0626-0708
It is 1951 in America, the second year of the Korean War. A studious, law-abiding, intense youngster from Newark, New Jersey, Marcus Messner is beginning his sophomore year on the pastoral, conservative campus of Ohio's Winesburg College. And why is he there and not at a local college in Newark where he originally enrolled? Because his father, the sturdy, hardworking neighbourhood butcher, seems to have gone mad - mad with fear and apprehension of the dangers of adult life, the dangers of the world, the dangers he sees in every corner for ... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
Εκδότης: ΠΟΛΙΣ Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 3520-0459 Όλα έχουν τελειώσει για τον Σάιμον Άξλερ, το πρωταγωνιστή του συναρπαστικού νέου βιβλίου του Φίλιπ Ροθ. Κορυφαίος ηθοποιός του αμερικανικού θεάτρου επί δεκαετίες, ανακαλύπτει ότι στα εξήντα του χρόνια έχει απολέσει το ταλέντο του, την αυτοπεποίθησή του, την ικανότητά του να σαγηνεύει. Ο Φάλσταφ, ο Πέερ Γκυντ, ο Βάνιας, όλοι οι μεγάλοι του ρόλοι "έχουν λιώσει κι έγιναν άνεμος, διάφανος άνεμος". Όταν ανεβαίνει στη σκηνή, αισθάνεται σαν παράφρονας και συμπεριφέρεται σαν ηλίθιος. Η εμπιστοσύνη στις δυνάμεις του έχει χαθεί φαντάζεται ότι το κο... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
Εκδότης: VINTAGE Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 0626-0674
Set in Chicago in the fifties, rich with characters and magnificently detailed, Letting Go chronicles an era when men and women were still constrained by the dictates of custom, community and family. (From the publisher)... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
Εκδότης: VINTAGE Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 0626-0038
In Philip Roth's intimate intellectual encounters with an international and diverse cast of writers, they explore the importance of region, politics, and history in their work and trace the imaginative path by which a writer's highly individualised art is informed by the wider conditions of life. Milan Kundera and Czechoslovakia, Primo Levi and Auschwitz, Edna O'Brien and Ireland, Aharon Appelfeld and Bukovina, Ivan Kl-ma and Prague, Isaac Singer and Warsaw, Bruno Schulz and Poland - what is the intricate transaction between the susceptibl... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
Εκδότης: VINTAGE Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 0626-0673
When she was still a child, Lucy Nelson had her alcoholic failure of a father thrown in jail. Ever since then she has been trying to reform the men around her, even if that ultimately means destroying herself in the process. With his unerring portraits of Lucy and her hapless, childlike husband, Roy, Roth has created an uncompromising work of fictional realism, a vision of provincial American piety, yearning and discontent that is at once pitiless and compassionate. (from the publisher)... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
Εκδότης: VINTAGE Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 0626-0723
Everything is over for Simon Axler. One of the leading American stage actors of his generation, now in his sixties, he has lost his magic, his talent and his assurance. When he goes on stage he feels like a lunatic and looks like an idiot. His wife has gone, his audience has left him, his agent can't persuade him to make a comeback. In this long day's journey into night, told with Roth's inimitable urgency, bravura and gravity, all our life's performances - talent, love, sex, hope, energy, reputation - are stripped bare. Following the dark... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
Εκδότης: ΠΟΛΙΣ Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 3520-0241 Δεν είναι πολλοί οι συγγραφείς που επιδιώκουν να συνομιλήσουν με τους ομότεχνους τους, να εξερευνήσουν ένα άλλο εργαστήρι, να περιεργαστούν υλικά και τεχνικές, να αναζητήσουν κοινούς τόπους και να αποδώσουν στους συναδέλφους τυχόν οφειλές τους. Το σινάφι είναι δύστροπο, ψυχικά φιλάργυρο. Το διογκωμένο συγγραφικό εγώ προτιμά να αγνοεί τι διακυβεύεται σε άλλα γραφεία, τι κυοφορείται μπροστά στα τσαλακωμένα χαρτιά, τις αμυδρά φωτισμένες οθόνες - ίσως γιατί το άγχος της αντιζηλίας είναι βασανιστικό, σχεδόν ανυπόφορο. Η απόσταση είναι ένα είδος... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
Εκδότης: VINTAGE Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 0626-0373
A ferocious political satire in the great tradition, Our Gang is Philip Roth's brilliantly indignant response to the phenomenon of Richard M. Nixon. In the character of Trick E. Dixon, Roth show us a man who outdoes the severest cynic, a peace-loving Quaker and believer in the sanctity of human life who doesn't have a problem with killing unarmed women and children in self-defence.A master politician with an honest sneer, he finds himself battling the Boy Scouts, declaring war on Pro-Pornography Denmark, all the time trusting in the basic ... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
Εκδότης: VINTAGE Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 0626-0675
Like Rip Van Winkle returning to his hometown to find that all has changed, Nathan Zuckerman comes back to New York, the city he left eleven years before. Alone on his New England mountain, Zuckerman has been nothing but a writer: no voices, no media, no terrorist threats, no women, no news, no tasks other than his work and the enduring of old age. Walking the streets like a revenant, he quickly makes three connections that explode his carefully protected solitude. One is with a young couple with whom, in a rash moment, he offers to swap h... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
Εκδότης: ΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΑ Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 0970-0128 «Είμαι βυζί. Κάτι έγινε μέσα στο κορμί μου, και μ' έχει μεταμορφώσει σε θηλαστικό αδένα, που δε θυμίζει σε τίποτα την προηγούμενη ανθρώπινη μορφή μου». (Από την παρουσίαση στο οπισθόφυλλο του βιβλίου) «Το καλύτερο βιβλίο του Ροθ μέχρι σήμερα... Έξυπνο, εξεζητημένο, υπέροχο, δαιμόνιο, και πολύ μα πολύ αστείο» (The New York Times Book Review) «Ένας νέος, συγκλονιστικός κόσμος γεμάτος άγνωστες εκδοχές της ηδονής. Υπάρχει όμως και χιούμορ, και μια αξιοθαύμαστη γραφή. Είναι άραγε ανάγκη να τονίσουμε πως ο Ροθ είναι μοναδικός συγγραφέας, που δ... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
Εκδότης: ΠΟΛΙΣ Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 3520-0261 Ο Γκέημπ Ουάλλακ αποφασίζει να βοηθήσει τον Πωλ Χερτς, έναν μελαγχολικό, φτωχικά ντυμένο συμφοιτητή του - και τη Λίμπυ Χερτς, την κυκλοθυμική, παρορμητική σύζυγό του. Παρότι ο συναισθηματικός κόσμος του Γκέημπ έχει αποτελματωθεί μετά τον θάνατο της μητέρας του, ο ίδιος αρχίζει να αισθάνεται την ανάγκη για νέους δεσμούς. Μέλος πλέον του διδακτικού προσωπικού στο Πανεπιστήμιο του Σικάγου, συνάπτει μια θυελλώδη σχέση με τη Μάρθα Ρέηγκανχαρτ, μια πνευματώδη, αθυρόστομη διαζευγμένη μητέρα δύο παιδιών. Ο Φίλιπ Ροθ υφαίνει αριστοτεχνικά τις αγωνί... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
Εκδότης: JONATHAN CAPE Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 3977-0058 It is 1951 in America, the second year of the Korean War. A studious, law-abiding, intense youngster from Newark, New Jersey, Marcus Messner is beginning his sophomore year on the pastoral, conservative campus of Ohio's Winesburg College. And why is he here and not at a local college in Newark where he originally enrolled? Because his father, the sturdy, hardworking neighbourhood butcher seems to have gone mad - mad with fear and apprehension of the dangers of adult life, the dangers of the world, the dangers he sees in the every corner fo... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
Εκδότης: JONATHAN CAPE Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 3977-0075 Summer, 1944. In the 'stifling heat of equatorial Newark', a terrifying epidemic is raging, threatening the children of the New Jersey city with maiming, paralysis, life-long disability, even death. Vigorous, decent, twenty-three year old playground director Bucky Cantor is devoted to his charges and disappointed with himself because his weak eyes have excluded him from serving in the war. As polio begins to ravage Bucky's playground, Roth leads us through every inch of emotion such a pestilence can breed: the fear, the panic, the anger, t... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
Εκδότης: JONATHAN CAPE Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 3977-0070
Everything is over for Simon Axler. One of the leading American stage actors of his generation, now in his sixties, he has lost his magic, his talent and his assurance. When he goes on stage he feels like a lunatic and looks like an idiot. His wife has gone, his audience has left him, his agent can't persuade him to make a comeback. In this long day's journey into night, told with Roth's inimitable urgency, bravura and gravity, all our life's performances - talent, love, sex, hope, energy, reputation - are stripped bare. Following the dark... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
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