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Η αρχαία ελληνική μυθολογία αλλιώς
Εκδότης: ΠΑΤΑΚΗΣ
Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 9701-0223

Θνητοί και τέρατα. Άθλοι. Εκστρατείες και περιπέτειες. O Στίβεν Φράι αφηγείται έξοχα τις δραματικές, κωμικές, τραγικές και διαχρονικές ιστορίες των ηρώων της ελληνικής μυθολογίας, αναδεικνύοντας το μεγαλείο του θάρρους και της δόξας τους. Μας καλεί να επιβιβαστούμε με τον Ιάσονα στην «Αργώ» και να τον ακολουθήσουμε στην Αργοναυτική Εκστρατεία. Να παρακολουθήσουμε πώς η Αταλάντη -που την ανέθρεψε μια αρκούδα- αποδεικνύεται ταχύτερη από όλους τους άντρες, αλλά την παθαίνει τελικά από λίγα χρυσά μήλα. Να αγωνιστούμε στο πλευρό του Ηρακλή, για...
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Εκδότης: ΠΑΤΑΚΗΣ
Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 3330-9693

Μια νέα αφήγηση των αρχαίων ελληνικών μύθων. Οι θεοί και οι θεές των Ελλήνων ερωτεύονται και καβγαδίζουν, ποθούν κι εξαπατούν με απαράμιλλη τόλμη και ευφυΐα. Ο Στίβεν Φράι αναδιηγείται τους ελληνικούς μύθους με τρόπο μοναδικό. Παρακολουθούμε με δέος τη γέννηση της σοφής Αθηνάς από το σχισμένο στα δύο κεφάλι του μεγάλου Δία και κατεβαίνουμε, μαζί με την καταδικασμένη Περσεφόνη, στο ερεβώδες και μοναχικό βασίλειο του Κάτω Κόσμου. Ένα ρίγος τρόμου μάς διαπερνά καθώς η Πανδώρα ανοίγει το πιθάρι των μοχθηρών δεινών και απολαμβάνουμε το ξετύλιγμ...
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Εκδότης: PENGUIN
Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 3452-3647

Discover Stephen Fry's magnificent retelling of the greatest myths and legends ever told... No one loves and quarrels, desires and deceives as boldly or brilliantly as Greek gods and goddesses. In Stephen Fry's vivid retelling we gaze in wonder as wise Athena is born from the cracking open of the great head of Zeus and follow doomed Persephone into the dark and lonely realm of the Underworld. We shiver when Pandora opens her jar of evil torments and watch with joy as the legendary love affair between Eros and Psyche unfolds. Mythos capture...
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(P/B) Odyssey
(Export Edition)
Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 7696-0077

Setting sail, hero Odysseus dreams of lying in the arms of his beloved wife Penelope, and of teaching his son Telemachus a warrior's ways. However, gods toy with the desires of little mortals. Angered by this upstart's presumption, Poseidon - God of the ocean realms - curses our hero to wander the seas for ten long years. Encountering one-eyed giants, six-headed monsters, terrible storms, titanic whirlpools, hypnotic sirens, seductive witches and jealous goddesses, Odysseus is tempted and tormented beyond any man's endurance. Yet he is no ...
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Εκδότης: PENGUIN
Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 3452-4026

Troy. The most marvellous kingdom in all the world. The Jewel of the Aegean. Glittering Ilion, the city that rose and fell not once but twice . . .'When Helen, the beautiful Greek queen, is kidnapped by the Trojan prince Paris, the most legendary war of all time begins. Watch in awe as a thousand ships are launched against the great city of Troy. Feel the fury of the battleground as the Trojans stand resolutely against Greek might for an entire decade. And witness the epic climax - the wooden horse, delivered to the city of Troy in a maste...
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Εκδότης: PENGUIN
Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 3452-3678

There are Heroes - and then there are Greek Heroes. Few mere mortals have ever embarked on such bold and heart-stirring adventures, overcome myriad monstrous perils, or outwitted scheming vengeful gods, quite as stylishly and triumphantly as Greek heroes. In this companion to his bestselling Mythos, Stephen Fry brilliantly retells these dramatic, funny, tragic and timeless tales. Join Jason aboard the Argo as he quests for the Golden Fleece. See Atalanta - who was raised by bears - outrun any man before being tricked with golden apples. Wi...
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Εκδότης: VINTAGE
Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 0626-0477

Stephen Fry's breathtakingly outrageous debut novel, by turns eccentric, shocking, brilliantly comic and achingly romantic. Adrian Healey is magnificently unprepared for the long littleness of life; unprepared too for the afternoon in Salzburg when he will witness the savage murder of a Hungarian violinist; unprepared to learn about the Mendax device; unprepared for more murders; and wholly unprepared for the truth. (from the publisher)...
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Εκδότης: VINTAGE
Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 0626-0587

Ted Wallace is an old, sour, womanising, cantankerous, whisky-sodden beast of a failed poet and drama critic, but he has his faults too. Fired from his newspaper, months behind on his alimony payments and disgusted with a world that undervalues him, Ted seeks a few months repose and free drink at Swafford Hall, the country mansion of his old friend Lord Logan. But strange things have been going on at Swafford. Miracles. Healings. Phenomena beyond the comprehension of a mud-caked hippopotamus like Ted. (From the publisher)...
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Εκδότης: VINTAGE
Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 0626-0589

Welcome to Paperweight. My first act must be to warn that it would be a madness in you to read this book straight through at one sitting, as though it were some gripping novel or ennobling biography. In the banquet of literature Paperweight aspires to be thought of as no more than a kind of literary guacamole into which the tired and hungry reader may from time to time wish to dip the tortilla chip of his or her curiosity. I will not be held responsible for the mental indigestion that is sure to be provoked by any attempt to bolt the thing...
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Εκδότης: VINTAGE
Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 0626-0588

Michael Young is convinced his brilliant history thesis will win him a doctorate, a pleasant academic post, a venerable academic publisher and his beloved girlfriend Jane. A historian should know better than to imagine that he can predict the future. Leo Zuckerman is an ageing physicist obsessed with the darkest period in human history, utterly driven by his fanatical hatred of one man. A lover's childish revenge and the breaking of a rotten clasp cause the two men to meet in a blizzard of swirling pages. Pages of history. When they come t...
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Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 7696-0051

The story of Troy speaks to all of us - the kidnapping of Helen, a queen celebrated for her beauty, sees the Greeks launch a thousand ships against that great city, to which they will lay siege for ten whole and very bloody years. It is Zeus, the king of the gods, who triggers war when he asks the Trojan prince Paris to judge the fairest goddess of them all. Aphrodite bribes Paris with the heart of Helen, wife of King Menelaus of the Greeks, and naturally, nature takes its course. It is a terrible, brutal war with casualties on all sides. ...
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Εκδότης: VINTAGE
Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 0626-0590

For Ned, 1980 seems a blissful year. Handsome, charming, popular and talented, his life is progressing smoothly, effortlessly, happily. And when he meets the lovely Portia Fendeman his personal jigsaw appears complete. But timing is everything in life, and his life is about to change for ever. (From the publisher)...
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Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 7696-0032

The Greek myths are the greatest stories ever told, passed down through millennia and inspiring writers and artists as varied as Shakespeare, Michelangelo, James Joyce and Walt Disney. They are embedded deeply in the traditions, tales and cultural DNA of the West. In Stephen Fry's hands the stories of the titans and gods become a brilliantly entertaining account of ribaldry and revelry, warfare and worship, debauchery, love affairs and life lessons, slayings and suicides, triumphs and tragedies. You'll fall in love with Zeus, marvel at the...
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Εκδότης: VINTAGE
Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 0626-0620

Stephen Fry believes that if you can speak and read English you can write poetry. But it is no fun if you don't know where to start or have been led to believe that Anything Goes. Stephen, who has long written poems, and indeed has written long poems, for his own private pleasure, invites you to discover the incomparable delights of metre, rhyme and verse forms. Whether you want to write a Petrarchan sonnet for your lover's birthday, an epithalamion for your sister's wedding or a villanelle excoriating the government's housing policy, The ...
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Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 4580-0321

ΕΠΙΤΕΛΟΥΣ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Το βιβλίο που με ανυπομονησία περίμενε ολόκληρος ο εκδοτικός κόσμος αλλά και το συνειδητοποιημένο ελληνικό αναγνωστικό κοινό. Βέβαια, μετά το θόρυβο που ξεσήκωσε σε όλες τις ευρωπαϊκές χώρες, όπου οι αγοραστές έκαναν ουρές για να προμηθευτούν ένα αντίτυπο, ήταν επόμενο ότι και στην Ελλάδα το βιβλίο θα σημείωνε εξαιρετική επιτυχία. Και δικαιολογημένα!! Αυτό δεν είναι ένα συνηθισμένο βιβλίο. Είναι ένα βιβλίο-πραξικόπημα, ένα βιβλίο-έκρηξη, μια βόμβα βραδυφλεγής που αναμένει την κ...
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