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Εκδότης: POLITY Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 3482-0598
The clitoris was absent in anatomy books, in paintings and sculptures, absent in spirit and even body; it has long been the organ of erased pleasure. We assume that this oversight has been repaired in our times: today, the clitoris is not forgotten but honoured. Conferences, books, manifestos, works of art are all devoted to it. The autonomy of clitoral jouissance is recognized. The boundaries of feminism have also moved: queer, intersex and trans approaches claim that the clitoris is perhaps no longer the exclusive preserve of the woman. ... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
Εκδότης: ROUTLEDGE Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 3707-0340
This book is one of the most important recent books on Hegel, a philosopher who has had a crucial impact on the shape of continental philosophy. Published here in English for the first time, it includes a substantial preface by Jacques Derrida in which he explores the themes and conclusions of Malabou's book. The Future of Hegel: Plasticity, Temporality and Dialectic restores Hegel's rich and complex concepts of time and temporality to contemporary philosophy. It examines his concept of time, relating it to perennial topics in philosophy s... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
Κλέφτης! Αναρχισμός και φιλοσοφία
Εκδότης: ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΑΚΗ ΚΟΥΛΤΟΥΡΑ Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 1410-0166
Η τιμή Πολιτείας σε σύγκριση με τη τιμή έκδοσης είναι χαμηλότερη κατά 10% Συνεχίζοντας μια παράδοση που ξεκίνησε το 1976 με τη διοργάνωση του διεθνούς συνεδρίου στη Βενετία για τα εκατό χρόνια από τον θάνατο του Μιχαήλ Μπακούνιν, το Centro Studi Libertari και οι εκδόσεις eleuthera διοργάνωσαν στις 2 Φλεβάρη 2024 μια ημερίδα στο Μιλάνο για την παρουσίαση του βιβλίου της Κατρίν Μαλαμπού, που κυκλοφόρησε στα ιταλικά σε μετάφραση Carlo Milani τον Γενάρη του 2024. Σε αυτό το βιβλίο η Μαλαμπού (μαθήτρια του Ζακ Ντεριντά, που διδάσκει φιλοσοφία στο βρετανικό πανεπιστήμιο Κίνγκστον και στο πανεπιστήμιο της Καλιφόρνιας),... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
Εκδότης: POLITY Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 3482-0325
In the post-feminist age the fact that "woman" finds herself deprived of her "essence" only confirms, paradoxically, a very ancient state of affairs: "woman" has never been able to define herself in any other way than in terms of the violence done to her. Violence alone confers her being - whether it is domestic and social violence or theoretical violence. The critique of "essentialism" (i.e. there is no specifically feminine essence) proposed by both gender theory and deconstruction is just one more twist in the ontological negation of th... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
Εκδότης: STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 3713-0057
Counterpath is a collaborative work by Catherine Malabou and Jacques Derrida that answers to the gamble inherent in the idea of "travelling with" the philosopher of deconstruction. Malabou's readerly text of quotations and commentary demonstrates how Derrida's work, while appearing to be anything but a travelogue, is nevertheless replete with references to geographical and topographical locations, and functions as a kind of counter-Odyssey through meaning, theorizing, and thematizing notions of arrival, drifting, derivation, and catastroph... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
(P/B) The Ontology of the Accident
An Essay on Destructive Plasticity
Εκδότης: POLITY Κωδ. Πολιτείας: 3482-0613
In the usual order of things, lives run their course and eventually one becomes who one is. Bodily and psychic transformations do nothing but reinforce the permanence of identity. But as a result of serious trauma, or sometimes for no reason at all, a subject's history splits and a new, unprecedented persona comes to live with the former person - an unrecognizable persona whose present comes from no past and whose future harbors nothing to come; an existential improvisation, a form born of the accident and by accident. Out of a deep cut op... Διαβάστε περισσότερα... |
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